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Katie Cusack

A few whimsical tidbits about me: I was born in Germany, and I am the only one with blue eyes in my family! Alabama is the name of my kitty, and if it is over 70 degrees you can catch me at the beach. Those aside, I am majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations at North Carolina State University. My heart for rhetoric and civil rights is as big as my heart for new foods and new scenery, and I understand that creativity is what keeps this world spinning. As you continue to navigate through my online portfolio, I hope that you not only learn more about my passions, my experiences, and my dreams but I hope that I spark something in you for the universe to see. 

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More Than Myself

I strongly believe that those whom you surround yourself with reflect pieces of your character. That being said, a big part of who I am is credited to my two sisters and my mother, as well as my best friends Anna (pictured left) and Davis. These peeps are the most goal-oriented, loyal individuals I know who put their whole self into everything. They stick to their morals even if it means defying society, and invest time while making sacrifices to enhance their talents and to reach their aspirations. Not only do I admire them, but I desire to manifest such traits which makes them all successful, dignifying, and unique. 

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